FTT ALPR application
FTT ALPR (Automatic Licence Plate Recognition) The application is designed for scanning and complex lustration of licence plates of vehicles. This is a native application for Android OS, which is developed on the basis of knowledge from CamCar technology using elements of artificial intelligence. At the same time, it is not only intended for checking vehicles whether they have paid the parking fee, but it also solves lustration vehicle licence plates comprehensively. The FTT ALPR application is one of a number of modules in the MP Manager information system (IS MP Manager) and works on its standard principles (more information).
Main advantages ALPR:
- unique technology - own development
- scans vehicle licence plates and compares them in real time with predefined databases via AI
- immediately recognizes the right to park in the place
- immediately warns whether a search of the inspected vehicle is not announced
- immediately checks the payment of parking fees
- the application is transferable between mobile devices
- possibility to display information (recurrences) about licence plates
- performs automatic creation of events in the MP Manager information system, including recording of all necessary information (photo documentation, GPS position, time stamp, etc.)
- managerial supervision and delegation of tasks - you can log in to the system from anywhere and at any time in real time
- reporting - creating simple and clear statistics
- high standard analyzes - recurrence monitoring, prediction and map monitoring