Due to the fact that we are the leader on the Czech and Slovak market in the provision of information technology for municipal and city police, we regularly organize conferences and seminars for our partners and clients. We consider this activity to be our added value, one might say an obligation to them - so it is not primarily a commercial project, but a professional and, above all, friendly exchange of experience.
Training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators" (No. 2201), Olomouc - Radikov, june 15 2022
VII. Meeting of MP Manager information system administrators, Olomouc - Radikov, june 16 - 17 2022
VI. International Conference of Municipal Police, Olomouc, March 30 - April 1 2022
Training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators" (No. 2102), Olomouc - Radikov, October 6 2021
VI. Meeting of MP Manager information system administrators, Olomouc - Radikov, October 7 - 8 2021
Training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators" (No. 2101), Olomouc - Radikov, June 16 2021
V. Meeting of MP Manager information system administrators, Olomouc - Radikov, June 17 - 18 2021
V. International Conference of Municipal Police, Olomouc, September 16 - 18 2020
IV. Setkání administrátorů informačního systému MP Manager, Olomouc - Radíkov, June 18. - 19. 2020
Extraordinary training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators" (No. 2004), Olomouc - Radikov, June 17 2020
Training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators" (No. 2002), Olomouc, January 21 2020
Educational course "Training of IS MP Manager users" (No. 2001), Olomouc, January 16 2020
Educational course "Training of IS MP Manager users" (No. 1904), Olomouc, October 24 2019
III. Meeting of MP Manager information system administrators, Olomouc - Radikov, October 3 - 4 2019
II. Meeting of MP Manager information system administrators, Olomouc - Radikov, May 23 - 24 2019
IV. International Conference of Municipal Police, Olomouc, April 3 - 5 2019
Training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators" (No. 1903), Olomouc, February 7 2019
Educational course "Training of IS MP Manager users" (No. 1902), Olomouc, January 24 2019
Training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators" (No. 1901), Olomouc, January 17 2019
I. Meeting of MP Manager information system administrators, Olomouc - Radikov, September 20 - 21 2018
III. International Conference of Municipal Police, Olomouc, April 11 - 13 2018
Training course "Training of IS MP Manager administrators", Olomouc, January 11 2018
II. International Conference of Municipal Police of the Visegrad Four Countries, Brno, May 31 2017
I. International Conference of Municipal Police of the Visegrad Four Countries, Bzenec, June 16 2016